Surfing Now:0
Surfed This Month:9
Hits Today:0
Hits Yesterday:17
Total Members:5,559
Signups This Month:9


Owner Of Sotuk Traffic & Traffic Pi & Super fast Hits

Stephen King

 Fabulous TE FAQs

What is a Advertising exchange?

Advertising exchanges are online services
where web site owners trade traffic.
Other members of Fabulous TE will
view your web site when you visit the
sites of other members.


How Do I Receive Hits?

Click 'Surf' on the members area menu
to start viewing sites from other members.
You will earn credits for every site you view.
Your site will receive one hit for each credit
that you assign to your site.


Commissions are paid automatically on the Friday of each week. You don't need to request a payment but a valid Paypal email address is required to receive commission payment, please update your profile with this information. If your account doesn't have your paypal email on record or you provided an incorrect email address, we will not be held liable for any loss of your income.

Commissions are paid to all active members with a balance of $10 or more. 




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